Dun Whinny GC vs Glasgow GC

On Sunday 25th of June 2023, we welcomed our friends from Glasgow Golf Club to play in our annual match.

Unfortunately, the weather was not that kind with some very heavy rain and strong winds to contend with in the earlier parts of the round before the sun finally broke through on the last few holes.

Played over both the Kings and Queens courses, every match was tight, with all but one match getting to at least the 17th hole.

It was pleasing to see two of our newest members to join the club, already happy to represent Dun Whinny. Both Ian Fisher and Jim McLauglin kindly stepped in to join the team, in what can sometimes be a busy weekend with the Club Championships also taking place over the last weekend of June.

In fact, it was one of our new members Jim McLaughlin along with his partner Stewart Lockhart who returned the final point of the day to clinch the win for Dun Whinny.

Below are the results of the individual matches:


Golf Update 26/6


Charity “Blind” 4BBB